1 December 2022 - 2 December 2022
3:30PM - 2:45PM
Lindisfarne Centre, St. Aidan’s College, Durham, DH1 3LJ
Join us for this two day workshop
Bill Bryson Library Extension
Since the birth of political Zionism, accounts of Jewish diaspora have risked falling into a simple binary: either the endorsement of a sovereign Jewish state or the rejection of this vision and embrace of diasporic life. This workshop will assemble original perspectives on exilic life that complicate the opposition of sovereign statehood to ethnic and national dispersion. We shall thus consider Jewish history as a site of competing diasporist ideologies that adhere to diverging political visions. Such divergences emanate, among others, from the juxtaposition of a Eurocentric perspective on Jewish exile to Arab-Jewish memory cultures and other non-Western standpoints. Similarly, the endorsement of Jewish life in the diaspora will be shown to adhere to conflicting political ideologies. These include the longstanding belief that Jewish national sovereignty must be bound with the arrival of the messiah, but also critiques of the State of Israel that take it to permeate a messianic national credo instead of centring civil life on political secularism. Another challenge to common political appropriations of Jewish diaspora rests on visions for Jewish collectivism that detach political engagement from national sovereignty altogether.
Organisers: Dr Yael Almog (Durham) and Professor Sue Vice (Sheffield)
Coffee and Refreshments
Introduction Yael Almog and Sue Vice
Sue Vice (Sheffield)
Rooted Cosmopolitanism? British Jewish Memoir and Fiction after Brexit
Respondent: Zoe Roth (Durham)
Claire Leibovich (Durham)
An “impossible historical situation”: North African Jews and nationalism in Albert Memmi’s literary writing
Respondent: Dani Hovsha (Sheffield)
Break and refreshments
Martina Piperno (Durham)
What does it mean to be a diasporic author? Edith Bruck’s perspective [followed by a Q&A session with Edith Bruck]
Welcome with coffee and refreshments
Meredith C. Warren (Sheffield)
Invisibility, Erasure and a Jewish Tombstone in Roman Britain
Respondent: Yael Almog (Durham)
Jessica Dubow (Sheffield)
Between Athens and Jerusalem: Exile as the Origins
Respondent: Noam Leshem (Durham)
Yael Almog (Durham)
The Exile from Europe for Arendt, Susman and Améry
Respondent: Sue Vice (Sheffield)
Carmen Levick (Sheffield)
The Solemn Music of Place – Memory and Identity in Ludovic Bruckstein’s Short Stories
Respondent: Claire Leibovich (Durham)
Lunch break
Concluding discussion and future plans