A Christmas COP-out
8 December 2023 - 8 December 2023
10:00AM - 11:30AM
Engineering Building: Room E101
A Christmas COP-out
Event Flyer
Join us for a pre-Christmas conversation about the Durham delegation’s experiences at COP28 in Dubai,
• Introduction to COP: what is it about, what are the goals and progress so far?
• A panel discussion with our COP28 Student Ambassadors.
• Durham University’s participation at COP28, with Adam Holden (Senior Impact & Engagement Manager, RIS)
• A video call to Dubai: dispatches from the front line, with a member of the Durham delegation
This event will take the shape of an informal dialogue, with plenty of opportunity to ask your questions and share your thoughts, hopes and doubts about the climate negotiations as they unfold.
Moderation: Dr Simona Capisani (Philosophy) and Dr Rozemarijn Roland Holst (Law)
All Durham students and staff are warmly invited!
No prior sign-up required.