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TEI Forum

The TEI Forum provides an opportunity for all TEIs offering Common Awards programmes to meet to discuss common issues and share good practice. The TEI Forum has no formal role in the governance of the partnership. Rather, it provides a space for TEIs to meet, consult, and share good practice relating to educational provision and research for the Common Awards partnership and programmes. 

The precise focus and format of the meetings is not prescribed in order to enable members to determine how they would like the Forum to operate. The Chairperson will work with the members of the TEI Forum to determine the nature, structure and content of the meetings. They will consult with TEI Forum members to shape and direct the meetings of the Forum, in order to realise a shared vision for the Forum and to ensure that it identifies and addresses issues of interest to TEIs. 

The TEI Forum meets twice each year, usually in April and October, and typically at Durham University or Church House.  The dates of the meetings will be determined before the start of each academic year. See our Common Awards Calendar for this year’s dates.  

Logistical arrangements for the Forum, including the election processes, are organised by the Common Awards Team.  


Each TEI Principal (or equivalent) is permitted to nominate up to four members of core staff to serve as members of the TEI Forum. Principals are strongly encouraged to nominate individuals who represent the diversity of the Common Awards programmes: in particular, both full-time and part-time provision (where applicable). Contact the Common Awards Team for the list of current members. 

A Chairperson is elected by TEI Forum members for a period of three years and a Secretary is nominated for each meeting. The Chairperson may, but is not required to be, one of the two TEI Forum representatives to the Common Awards Management Board. See our Contact Us page for details of the current Chair.  

Relationship to the Management Board 

The Common Awards Management Board includes two representatives appointed by the TEI Forum. These representatives will normally serve for no longer than three years. TEI Forum members are responsible for appointing the two representatives to the Management Board.  

Members of the Forum are strongly encouraged to appoint two individuals who represent the broad diversity of the sector. In particular, the TEI Forum is encouraged to appoint two individuals who, together, represent both full-time and part-time provision.