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18 November 2022 - 18 November 2022

9:30AM - 10:30PM

Room 414 West Building

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Paper discussion session between PhD scholars and AbdouMaliq Simone with Michele Lancione on their paper titled "Dwelling in liminalities, thinking beyond inhabitation."

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Geography, West Building

In this event, AbdouMaliq Simone and Michele Lancione will discuss their new article, "Dwelling on liminalities, thinking beyond inhabitation," with Durham Geography PhD students.

The article is available here.

In lieu of an abstract to the article, here are the first few lines:

Our interest in liminalities follows two analytics. One has to do with what we might call the ‘urban transversal'. Those rhythms emerging from disparate (pre)occupations that cut through practices, intentions, projectualities and powers, as an affective and material economy. This economy not only holds things together but also generates modes of life and becoming-urban that defy what conventional approaches to the ‘economy', the ‘social', the ‘cultural' make of them (Simone, 2010, 2018). The other analytic is interested in how those same rhythms, in the unfolding of lives at the receiving end of dispossession, extreme poverty and destitution, articulate a tempo beyond their resilience, indicating a specific design for their politics of inhabitation (Lancione, 2016, 2019). At the intersection of these concerns arise our shared interest in the lively lexicon of the urban liminal. Looking for this lexicon means looking for what it has to say in the ways it has to say it. 

