Extraction and Future Fantasies
25 January 2023 - 25 January 2023
12:00PM - 5:00PM
West Building: W007
Cross-cluster workshop on extraction and future fantasies.
Workshop Topic
Extraction and Future Fantasies
‘Extraction’ is a conceptual category that increasingly provides a touchstone for critical accounts of contemporary social, economic and urban life. As a long-established category in human geography research into resource economies and appropriations of more-than-human nature, extraction now typically frames how digital relations are understood – from mining to data mining. Moreover, the category of extraction is also employed to interrogate a host of expropriations and conversions of value, from the presents of colonial relations to the repayments of debt relations to the payments, fees and charges of proliferating rent relations.
This cross-cluster workshop will provide an opportunity to take stock of the expansion and deepening of extraction across multiple domains of human geography research. In particular, the workshop will take forward previous Departmental work on the theme of fantasies of the future by encouraging reflection on the future-facing imaginaries and affects that make present day extraction possible and which may seek to challenge its appropriations and expropriations – the calculations, mappings, materializations, visualizations, hopes and dreams that sustain and contest extraction.
Participation will take the form of 10-15 minute provocations, presented in three panels. The form taken by ‘provocations’ is purposely open and flexible – we welcome brief presentations of new or ongoing research, abstract-theoretical reflections, methodological interventions, artistic and political engagements, etc.
This is an internal event, that will have a hybrid format. A light vegetarian lunch will be available from noon.
For information about the event you can contact Paul Langley or Léonie Newhouse.
Zoom link for those participating remotely.
Noon-1pm Buffet Lunch
13:00-13:10 Opening Remarks Paul Langley
13:10 – 14:25 Panel A (in person)
- Gavin Bridge
- Karen Lai
- Katarzyna Cieslik
- Ben Jacobsen
14:30—15:45 Panel B (in person)
- Helen James
- Louise Amoore
- Meghan Kelly
- Lauren Martin
15:50 –17:05 Panel C (remote & in person)
- Penelope Anthias
- Carlos Tornel
- Alex Campolo
- Eric Boyde
Full Zoom URL: https://durhamuniversity.zoom.us/j/93902436776?pwd=TnFoUzAxTXl6R1Vjb3ltdGIrZkxmUT09