Interview with Katy Simms: Winner of the Space, Sexualities and Queer Research Group dissertation prize

Katy Simms received the Space, Sexualities and Queer Research Group 2020 award for her undergraduate dissertation. Recently, the Royal Geographical Society featured an interview with Katy about her award winning research.
Each year, the Society’s Research Groups recognise outstanding work from undergraduate and postgraduate students at higher education institutions both in the UK and overseas.
The Space, Sexualities and Queer Research Group award an annual prize to the best undergraduate dissertation on a theme related to sexualities and/or queer research in human geography. Katy Simms, from Durham University, was the recipient of the 2020 prize with her dissertation No-one wants to meet the love of their life on Tinder, which looks at the effects of mobile dating apps on love, intimacy and identity negotiations for bisexual individuals. As part of LGBT+ History Month, we spoke to Katy to ask her about her prize-winning dissertation.
Read the full story on the Royal Geographical Society website.