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Postgraduate Scholarships and Bursaries in Catholic Studies / Catholic Theology 

 A male and female student walking through campus

The information below is about postgraduate scholarships and bursaries provided by the Centre for Catholic Studies within the Department of Theology and Religion.

Details of other scholarship and bursary schemes that might be applicable can be found here.

CCS Scholarships for candidates for the MA in Theology and Religion, MA by Research, M.Litt, DThM, Integrated PhD, or PhD

The information below can also be downloaded as a pdf: CCS Scholarship Bursaries Notes 2024-25 v.5 April 2024.pdf

FCJ and Sir Richard Abberbury Scholarships

Faithful Companions of Jesus (FCJ) Bicentenary Scholarship Fund

Find out more about the Faithful Companions of Jesus (FCJ) Bicentenary Scholarship Fund

A student with laptop and an open book

Sir Richard Abberbury Postgraduate Scholarship

Find out more about the Sir Richard Abberbury Postgraduate Scholarship

Laptop coffee and phone crop

Catherine McAuley and St Jude Scholarships

The Catherine McAuley Postgraduate Scholarship Fund

Find out more about the Catherine McAuley Postgraduate Scholarship Fund

laptop notepad

The St Jude Postgraduate Scholarship Fund

Find out more about the The St Jude Postgraduate Scholarship Fund

A student writing on a laptop and in a notepad

Rutilio Grand Bursary and Catherine Mulligan Scholarship Fund

The Jesuits in Britain Durham Rutilio Grande MA Bursary

Find out more about the Jesuits in Britain Durham Rutilio Grande MA Bursary

laptop coffee

The Catherine Mulligan Scholarship Fund

Find out more about The Catherine Mulligan Scholarship Fund

Small group of students sat working at their laptops together

Notes on scholarships

Eligibility and Applications

Please check the eligibility criteria for scholarships and bursaries.

Close up of a persons hands taking notes in a notebook in front of their laptop


Notes on the scholarship and bursary funding.

Hand writing in notepad