25 January 2023 - 12 January 2023
4:00PM - 6:00PM
Free and open to all!
Tim Kohler from Washington State University will be giving a talk on how wealth inequality affected the Prehispanic northern US Southwest
Cliff Palace in Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. From McCranie, J. (2018)
Wealth inequality in the prehistoric upland US Southwest has previously been calculated based on the distribution of floor area. These studies have shown that wealth inequality varied in this region across time and space. Social and familial/household inequality has also been shown to have existed based on clan and factional structures and the level of disparity in wealth also changed over time. These variations may have been tied to crop fluctuation, varying levels of violence, or both. Professor Kohler will be discussing the causes and effects of this inequality in the region from Malthus to Tyche, and examining how wealth inequality can be measured in the Prehispanic US Southwest.