Dr Patrick Jachyra delivering Keynote presentation at the Ward Research Day and Pursuit Award Competition

Dr. Patrick Jachyra will be delivering a Keynote presentation at the Ward Research Day and Pursuit Award Competition on July 18, 2023, at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, in Toronto, Canada.
Dr. Patrick Jachyra will be delivering a Keynote presentation at the Ward Research Day and Pursuit Award Competition on July 18, 2023, at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, in Toronto, Canada. Dr. Jachyra will be speaking about his research to students and the world’s top young minds in paediatric disability and developmental differences researchers. The event will also include clients and families, the broader research community at the Bloorview Research Institute, wider hospital community, and external academic and philanthropic partners. Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital is Canada’s Largest Paediatric Rehabilitation Hospital, and a teaching and research hospital dedicated to the rehabilitation and complex continuing care of children and youth.
Link to page: Ward Research Day and Pursuit Award Competition 2023 | Holland Bloorview