Dr Cassandra Phoenix has contributed to a Global Report on Ageism

Dr Cassandra Phoenix has contributed to a Global Report on Ageism.
Associate Professor Cassandra Phoenix has contributed to a global report of ageism released on 18th March by WHO, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The report calls for urgent action to combat ageism and better measurement and reporting to expose ageism for what it is – an insidious scourge on society.
Every second person in the world is believed to hold ageist attitudes – leading to poorer physical and mental health and reduced quality of life for older persons, costing societies billions of dollars each year. Cassandra's specific contribution involved conducting qualitative research in collaboration with WHO to identify what has worked and what hasn't worked in past or ongoing local, national / regional campaigns to tackle ageism.
Read the full article here
Image credit: Centre for Ageing Better, Licence