**Please note: the online form is in the purple section towards the bottom of this page, however, we encourage students to read the full page prior to starting an application**
The Non-European Exchange programme is very competitive and participants are selected through a process of application and selection process administered by the International Office in conjunction with your academic department.
Please contact the exchange coordinator in your department before applying for an exchange. This is because:
Each department has an exchange coordinator that will advise on academic issues and options available in your Department. Likewise they can provide support, should academic issues arise while abroad.
Still not downloaded and read the guide? We strongly recommend you do. It contains all the information required in the application form and the steps for shortlisting
The online form will be available on this page during the application period only. All the questions contained within the form are contained within the full Non European Exchange Application Guide. Here are a few highlights from the guide:
Students must achieve an average of a 55%* in the academic year prior to their year abroad in order to remain eligible for an overseas placement (*Law must achieve 60% as our partner universities require this). Please be aware that due to academic term dates in overseas countries, you may start your studies before the Durham University exam boards issue final marks. Should you not achieve a 55% average, you may be expected to return.
There are two stages to the application process. Successful applications must fulfil both.
To access the form students must use a device that is linked to their Durham account. You may have to open a browser and enter the DU Hub (https://durhamuniversity.sharepoint.com/teams/Hub) which may ask you for your Durham login. Once your device is linked to your Durham account, please access the application form via the link in the purple section at the bottom of this page.
The online form consists of seven sections:
Section 1 - Student Details
Section 2 - University Choices
You can choose up to 3 host universities. If you are not successful in gaining a place at one of your choices, you will be placed into a ‘reserve pot’ and you will be offered a place at a university who has places left over after all other allocations are completed. These places will be allocated in rank order.
Section 3 - Module Choices
You are required to complete the following for EACH of your host university choices:
FAQ: How do I find module choices?
There is not a single depository that compiles all modules at all universities worldwide. Consequently it is your responsibility to use an online search for modules in your subject area. Where possible, we have included some initial links from the Durham 'Where' webpages. However, while we will do our best to keep hyperlinks updated on our webpages, Durham has over 300 exchange partners worldwide. Therefore, it is inevitable that some links will change and break. Please use your initiative with a search engine. When looking for modules a good initial search is: [proposed university] incoming exchange. If you are unable to find modules in your subject area, then you may have to look at selecting a different partner university.
Section 4 - Host University Research
You must complete this for EACH host university. The full Non European Exchange Application Guide gives further details on the questions in this section.
Section 5 - Personal Statement
Students will be required to write a personal statement on:
The full Non European Exchange Application Guide gives further details on personal statements.
Section 6 - Upload: Statement of your previous year's marks
Section 7 - Declaration
The above questions may be drafted on the Practice Application Proforma - not for submission, however, they must be submitted via the online portal.
The online application form must be submitted by 12:00 (noon UK), Friday 15 November.
After the application deadline your application will automatically be sent for departmental approval. This ensures that your module choices are appropriate to your academic course. For this reason, students should consult their Departmental Exchange Coordinator prior to application.
You will be allocated five anonymous, randomly-assigned personal statements, which will be emailed to your Durham email address by Monday 25th November. Full details on this process is set out in the full Non European Exchange Application Guide. You will have one week to score the applications. If you fail to mark all five of your allocated statements by 12:00 (noon) on Monday 2nd December, your own exchange application will be considered incomplete and will be withdrawn.
Once approval from departments and peer-to-peer scores have been received, a ranking based on personal statement scores and academic scores will be made by the International Office according to the full Non European Exchange Application Guide.
Students will be notified by the end of the calendar year. Applicants are advised to check their Durham email account during the holiday period.
Unsuccessful applicants may apply for the European Exchange programme in the new year. Any student who receives an offer and accepts a place on the non-European programme and wishes to apply for a European place, must withdraw their acceptance as soon as possible before making a European application. This is to ensure that students do not hold two offers of year abroad places at the expense of others who cannot receive an offer owing to limited places.
Please use the online link below to make an application. The deadline for applications is Friday 15 Nov, 12:00 (noon).