The Centre for Catholic Studies' Online Study Series
24 March 2021 - 17 June 2021
9:00AM - 6:00PM
Hidden Histories: free Faith and Thought and Heeding the Spirit: voluntary donation invited
A series of online discussions on Catholic theology and Catholic studies
Students on a zoom call
Hidden Histories
24-25 March 2021
On recovering the importance of the archives of religious congregations, from the break with Rome to the present day.
Video available on the Centre for Catholic Studies' YouTube channel
Faith and Thought: Exploring ‘The Art of Attention’
5, 12 and 19 May 2021
Exploring of the nature and role of ‘attention’ in the arts, spirituality, and theology
Heeding the Spirit: New Horizons in Receptive Ecumenism
17 June 2021
Discussing the transformation of churches through learning from each other