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Changes to Module Learning Hours

Our overarching guidelines on learning hours establish ranges for the level of learning hours depending on the type of module. TEIs can include a combination of any or all of the elements listed in the guidance, as they deem appropriate for any given module, provided that enough hours are left for independent study time. The learning hours are recorded on the Module Overview Table (T4).

TEIs can propose patterns that fall outside these guidelines, or a TEI can decide that different cohorts of students on the same module should have different learning hours. The TEI will, however, need to offer a pedagogical justification in such cases – that is, one based on the different needs, resources, and opportunities of the students involved, and, in particular, explaining how students will still have sufficient time for processing the material covered, and working towards the assessments involved

These requests need to be approved by the University and can be made through the Curriculum Development process.

TEIs wishing to propose patterns which fall outside of the overarching guidlines on learning hours should submit their requests for the May Curriculum Development deadline. See the Common Awards Calendar for the specific deadline this year. Curriculum Development requests will need to include the following:  

  • Curriculum Development request form (see our Templates and Forms webpage) 
  • Proposed Module Overview Table (T4)

Please clearly highlight any amendments, ideally using tracked changes, and only make changes on the most recently approved version of the documentation. 

Visit the TEI Programme Documentation page to see the learning hours currently approved at each TEI.